Vol. 12 No. 1 (2021): Enero - Diciembre
Enero - Diciembre


Cerapio Quintanilla Cóndor
I - II
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Marco Antonio Ticse Aucahuasi, Jesús Victoria Flores Salazar
1 - 7
Analysis of the mathematical productionof high school students: a view from the mathematical workspace
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Maria T Sanz, Emilia López-Iñesta
8 - 13
Performance of futureteachers on verbal "part of" problem
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Flor Isabel Carrillo Lara, Flor Isabel Carrillo Lara, Edwin Cristian Julian Trujillo
14 - 18
Ideal Mathematical Workspace of a University Professor with respect to the Derivative of a Real Function
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Jorge Luis Vivas Pachas, Jesús Victoria Flores Salazar
19 - 26
Exponential function: analysis of the mathematical work of humanities students
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Cesar Guillermo Rendón Mayorga
27 - 35
The story of the Limit to promote content knowledge in teachers
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Teodora Pinheiro Figueroa, Maritza Luna Valenzuela
36 - 44
Mathematics, Art and Technology in the context of the Theory of Didactic Situations
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Augusta Osorio Gonzales, Miluska Osorio
45 - 53
Process of strengthening basic education teachers in the theoretical and didactic knowledge of descriptive statistics and probability
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Miguel Ángel Rodríguez Mejía, Avenilde Romo Vázquez
54 - 61
Didactic proposal based on mathematical modeling for the multigrade classroom. The case of topography
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Elizabeth Advincula Clemente, Augusta Osorio Gonzales, Carina Saire Huamani
62 - 69
Didactic sequence for the creation of problem situations in data management
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Franklin Taipe Florez, Monica Rosaura Huamani Huanca, Delio Merma Saico, Belinda Caceres Mendigure, Prudencio Quispe Cantane
70 - 81
Assessment of the didactic suitability of a virtual education learning experience with novice university students: equations of curves in fruits
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Raúl Alfredo Supo Orihuela, Cecilia Rosa Gaita Iparraguirre
82 - 90
Evaluation of an educational proposal for thedevelopment of algebraic reasoning through the notion of linearity
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Percy Callinapa, Giovanna Gonzales, Eliana Inca, Angelica Ramos, Nancy Sacasqui
91 - 98
Application of competency strengthening workshops to solve data management problems
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SUPLEMENTO: V Coloquio Binacional sobre la Enseñanza de las Matemáticas -Tumbes.

Ángel Gutiérrez
99 - 102
Design of e-books for distance learning for students with different mathematical abilities
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Maria José Ferreira da Silva
103 - 114
The construction of formulas: an articulation between geometry and algebra
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Ana Lucía Arias Balarezo, Jhon Lima Yarpaz, Jimmy Muela Pillajo
115 - 121
Fractals in the teaching-learning of the dynamic conception of the concept of limit of a sequence: a didactic proposal for students of the Bachillerato General Unificado (BGU)
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Freddy Alfredo Mera Vera
122 - 123
AFC, a proposal for teaching mathematics
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Franco Mariani Rivas, Avenilde Romo Vázquez
124 - 130
Fourier series in the motion of planets. A replication study
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Olimpia Castro, Sahara Doria, Rosa Lafosse, Humberto Benavides
131 - 137
Algebrization levels in student responses obtained in the census evaluations
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Maritza Luna Valenzuela, Elton John Barrantes Requejo, Marco Gregorio Solórzano Mamani
138 - 145
Creation of problems for the study of algebra and composition of functions using software
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Nancy Edith Saravia Molina, Verónica Neira Fernández, María Iris Flores Quesquén
Study of the quadratic function, involving parameters, with the support of GeoGebra
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Nélida Salomé Medina García
153 - 156
Limit of real functions with support of GeoGebra
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Alex Xavier Renjifo Salazar, Marhori Margit Vilca Alvarez
157 - 158
GeoGebra, Classroom, and self-correcting assessments in higher education
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Margarita Martínez Jara
159 - 161
Rehabilitation of mathematical thinking
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Vicenç Font, Adriana Breda, Eulalia Calle
162 - 167
Didactic appropriateness in mathematics teacher education
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Ana Lucía Arias Balarezo, Jimmy Muela Pillajo, Jhon Lima Yarpaz
168 - 172
Limit of a sequence with GeoGebra
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Percy Merino, Carlos Torres, Lilian Isidro, Wilson Díaz, Humberto Benavides
173 - 178
The creation of problems is a good opportunity to develop mathematical competence
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Elizabeth Advíncula Clemente, Nancy Saravia Molina
179 - 183
Solids by transversal sections using GeoGebra
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