Predominant learning styles in first and fifth grade students of secondary school of the "Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria" educational institution in Acobamba




Learning styles, learning, theoretical and pragmatic


González (2011) specifies that learning theories are in a constant increase, variation and readjustment with respect to the contexts; this trend being the one that until now makes it impossible to reach a general consensus. With the general objective: To identify the predominant learning styles in the students of the first and fifth grade of secondary school of the State Educational Institution "Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria" of Acobamba, its method was descriptive, the design of this research is not experimental, transversal and descriptive; The sample is 100 students from the first and fifth grade of the mixed state school. In which the survey technique was applied, using the Honey-Alonso questionnaire (CHAEA) as an instrument. The results: On admission; in the learning styles, the theoretical being the predominant with 49%, followed by 23% of the pragmatic, the active style with 16% and the reflective style obtained 12%. In conclusion, the predominant learning styles are the theoretical style, the most used with 49%, which mentions that the students upon admission to the educational institution have the theoretical and pragmatic learning style and upon graduation they maintain the same learning style. learning.


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How to Cite

Duran Huayllani, D. A. (2023). Predominant learning styles in first and fifth grade students of secondary school of the "Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria" educational institution in Acobamba. Llimpi, 1(2), 01–07.