Influence of Critical Reflection on the Improvement of Teaching Performance in of Primary Education Performance in the Ica District, 2019




critical reflection, pedagogical accompaniment and teacher


This article is the result of a research whose main objective is to determine to what extent critical reflection could influence the improvement of teaching performance, considering that teaching performance is one of the determining factors for achieving learning in students. Critical reflection is a permanent and systematic process of analysis and evaluation of pedagogical practice that impacts the improvement of student learning and the performance of teachers themselves. Therefore, it was necessary to support the importance of strengthening reflective competencies in teachers so that they can achieve autonomy and responsibility in the continuous improvement of their pedagogical practice.

This quasi-experimental research began by observing 441 primary school teachers, selecting 100 teachers for the experimental group and 31 for the control group. Observation techniques, tests, and record-keeping were used. The research concluded that the teachers in the experimental group, with whom reflective practice was promoted, assumed more consciously and autonomously the responsibility for the improvement of their pedagogical practice, demonstrating sustained improvement in their performance.


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How to Cite

Morales Rojas, J. E. . (2023). Influence of Critical Reflection on the Improvement of Teaching Performance in of Primary Education Performance in the Ica District, 2019. Llimpi, 3(1), 22–29.