Investigative Creativity in the Development of Critical Thinking in University Students of the First Cycles




creativity, investigation, critical thinking and strategy


This research is based on investigative creativity as one of the pillars in university academic formation, given that the level of demand is increasingly higher and constant from the first cycles of studies. The objective is to demonstrate the levels of development within the required standards to generate advancing strategies as appropriate. The study was carried out at Norbert Wiener Private University in Lima, with first and second-year students from General Studies courses during the 2022 - I semester. The methodology employed is a descriptive quantitative approach to identify the specific characteristics of each selected group of students, obtaining staggered results regarding their progress in terms of the strategies they practice to promote their creative capacity and critical thinking, respectively. Finally, the efforts of the teachers to encourage the investigative culture of their students are appreciated, using various techniques that are being developed according to the needs of their students.


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How to Cite

Lévano Tasayco, A. A. (2023). Investigative Creativity in the Development of Critical Thinking in University Students of the First Cycles. Llimpi, 3(1), 07–13.