Professional Self-Esteem and Physical Activity in UNSCH Physical Education Students




physical activity, self-esteem, profession, attitude, self-concept


The physical education career has been undervalued socially, which can affect professional self-esteem. Professional self-esteem refers to a set of perceptions, feelings, thoughts, and tendencies directed towards professional practice. The aim of this study was to establish the relationship between physical activity and professional self-esteem in physical education students at UNSCH. A quantitative correlational design was employed, using the IPAQ to assess the level of physical activity and a previously validated questionnaire on professional self-esteem, which demonstrated objectivity and reliability with a Cronbach's alpha of 0.960. The sample consisted of 64 fourth-year students from the physical education program. 73.4% of students had high levels of physical activity and 76.6% had high levels of professional self-esteem. In conclusion, a low significant correlation was found between physical activity and professional self-esteem (Rho = 0.269, p=0.032, two-tailed) among the physical education students.


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How to Cite

Lozano Guillen, . R., & Gutiérrez Huamaní, O. (2022). Professional Self-Esteem and Physical Activity in UNSCH Physical Education Students. Llimpi, 2(2), 25–31.