Spiritual intelligence and achievement of learning in students of technological higher education





Spiritual intelligence, spirituality, learning achievement


Spirituality, as an innate part of the human person, projects toward the world care and protection that consciously feels belonging to it as part of an interrelated and interconnected whole. In opposition to religions, which are a set of rituals, precepts and rules, generally dogmas, spirituality is not linked in a particular way to any religion. To confront the spiritual aspects in the educational field, we proposed to determine the relationship between spiritual intelligence and learning achievement in students of the technological higher level, using the self-report inventory and the notes register as instruments of data collection, the scientific method and the descriptive statistical method in a general and specific way respectively, in non-experimental research with a descriptive correlational design. The population and sample consisted of 66 students of the Instituto Superior Tecnológico Canipaco in Huancayo, as a census sample for constituting a manageable number of subjects; obtaining a Spearman's Rho index 0.544 with a significance level α = 0.05, values that allowed us to conclude the existence of a direct and positive relationship between spiritual intelligence and learning achievement.


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How to Cite

Borja Castro, N. R., & Gomez Morales, P. A. (2021). Spiritual intelligence and achievement of learning in students of technological higher education. Llimpi, 1(1), 01–07. https://doi.org/10.54943/lree.v1i1.18

