About the Journal

Llimpi is a journal sponsored by the Faculty of Education of the Universidad Nacional de Huancavelica, Peru , that publishes results of original research for Education and other related disciplines, besides being original and unpublished. They can be written in Spanish, Portuguese or English.

The articles sent to Llimpi must be original and unpublished and the intellectual property of the authors, they must not have been published or presented for evaluation in another journal, and they may be written in Spanish, English or Portuguese.

Llimpi is published is published two times a year.

Llimpi is registered in  Crossref. 

All the articles published in the Llimpi  are under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento 4.0 Internacional license.

The file of your manuscript should be sent to: 

eISSN: 2961-2438

Interactivity services with readers: Blog

Added value services: Video

Peer Review Process

Manuscripts received for publication in the journal Llimpi are subjected to a double-blind peer review process. The manuscript is sent to two national or foreign peer reviewers of the researchers, who make any pertinent corrections or observations.

  • Texts that pass the editorial evaluation will be sent to academics with experience in the area and topic corresponding to the article. The reviewers will be chosen from a list of national and international experts, who will offer comments on the relevance and quality of the proposed article, in addition to evaluating its suitability for publication.
  • The reviewers will be in charge of examining and analyzing the texts, the relevance of the theoretical frameworks and the suitability of the methodology, as well as evaluating the importance of the findings described.
  • Each text will be sent to two specialists belonging to institutions different from those of the authors, who will provide their respective comments. Subsequently, based on the reviewers' recommendations, the editor will make the final decision:

Positive + Positive: Accepted
Positive + Negative: The manuscript will be sent to a third referee.
Negative + Subject to change: The author must re-send the scientific article to the editor and the editor will send the reviewer to accept or reject the publication.
Negative + Negative: Rejected

  • The editorial committee will always ensure that the reports delivered to the authors contain solid justifications that support the editorial decision.
  • The conclusions of the academic evaluation process will be final and cannot be challenged in any case.
  • The period required for the document to enter the review process will depend on the number of items waiting. Once receipt of the article by the author has been confirmed, it is estimated that the evaluation process will take around 8 weeks.
  • If comments are received, the author will have a period of two weeks to send a revised version of the work to the editor (this will be done through the Open Journal System).
  • Once the reviewers receive the article, they will have one month to complete the review and provide the result.
  • Documents that are accepted will begin the editing process, which includes style correction, layout, among others, before being published, as decided by the editorial management.
  • After completing the editorial process, the draft version of the text will be sent to the authors for final review and approval. They will be given a period of three business days to provide their approval. If no comments are received within this period, it will be understood that the authors have given their implicit approval.
  • Publication certificates will only be issued to authors who expressly request it from the Editor of the journal.


Publishing ethics

The following actions are considered as bad, unethical and, therefore, undesirable practices:

Sending the same manuscript to more than one scientific journal.

Not citing the sources consulted during the conduction and development of the research process, and the preparation of the manuscript.

Modifying or manufacturing the data used and / or obtained in an investigation.

The inclusion as authors of people who do not meet the international criteria for authorship.

The exclusion of authors who meet the international criteria for authorship.

All authors are obliged to make retractions or corrections of errors in their published articles, if necessary.

In case the Editorial Committee of the journal finds any misconduct in the aforementioned topics, the received manuscript will be rejected, or a published article will be retracted.

The journal fully adheres to the principles and procedures dictated by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE): www.publicationethics.org

Code of conduct and best practice guidelines for journal editors: https://publicationethics.org/files/Code_of_conduct_for_journal_editors.pdf


Copyright & licensing

The authors retain the copyright and grant the journal the right of first publication, with the work registered with the Creative Commons License, which allows third parties to use what is published whenever they mention the authorship of the work, and to the first publication in this magazine.

Authors can make other independent and additional contractual agreements for the non-exclusive distribution of the version published in this journal, provided they clearly indicate that the work was published in this journal.

The authors can file in the repository of their institution:

The research work or thesis of degree from which the published article derives.

The pre-print version: the version prior to peer review.

The Post-print version: final version after peer review.

The definitive version or final version created by the publisher for publication.

All articles published in Llimpi are protected by a Creative Commons License:  CC By


Clause of exemption of responsibility

The opinions expressed by the authors are their exclusive responsibility and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Editorial Committee of Llimpi.

The mention of the commercial name of certain products does not imply that revista Llimpi approves, recommends, subscribes to or advertises them as better than other, similar, not mentioned agents. .


Open Access Policy

Llimpi provides an open access to its content, based on the principle that offering the public free access to research disseminates useful scientific, clinical and practical information and assists in a greater process of global exchange of knowledge.

Llimpi publishes all its articles under an open access model. This journal provides worldwide electronic distribution of immediately and permanently freely accessible peer-reviewed scientific literature.

Through our journal, all scientists, scholars, professors, students, and other curious minds will be able to "copy, use, distribute, transmit and display the work publicly and make and distribute derivative works, in any digital medium for any responsible purpose, subject to proper attribution of authorship."

The editorial Board is guided by the following document:

The Budapest Declaration of open access to peer-reviewed scientific publications and research – Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI)

Budapest Open Access Initiative: By “open access” to [peer-reviewed research literature], we mean its free availability on the public internet, permitting any users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of these articles, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without financial, legal, or technical barriers other than those inseparable from gaining access to the internet itself. The only constraint on reproduction and distribution, and the only role for copyright in this domain, should be to give authors control over the integrity of their work and the right to be properly acknowledged and cited.

The authors can file in the repository of their institution:

The research work or thesis of degree from which the published article derives.

The pre-print version: the version prior to peer review.

The Post-print version: final version after peer review.

The definitive version or final version created by the publisher for publication.


No publication fees

Our Journal does not receive payments from the authors of the articles for submitting their articles to the editorial process, nor does it receive payments for the articles published.


Plagiarism policy

The Editorial Committee of Llimpi has as an established policy that the articles presented to the journal to evaluate their publication must have cited and referenced all the sources consulted, and will be subjected to a software to detect similarity with the sources consulted.

The plagiarism percentage established by the journal is zero, all the sources consulted for the preparation of the files sent to the journal must be cited in the work, for this reason, if plagiarism is detected, the manuscript received will be rejected.

revista Llimpi uses the Turniting service.

The files received, before their registration in the system, will be submitted by the Editorial Committee to the Turniting service, the manuscripts that are within the percentage of similarity established, will be registered in the system, will enter the editorial process, and will start the peer review process.

This policy stipulates that only articles that have up to a maximum of 30% matches with other publications, will be accepted, as long as the coincidences do not entirely cover several consecutive paragraphs; excluding reference list.

The articles that exceed this percentage will be returned to the author with the corresponding report, so that the author(s) will consider to make needed corrections and, if he/they deem it convenient, send the article back to Llimpi to evaluate its publication, considering as a new submission and be submitted to the processes established by the journal.

A percentage of similarity greater than that established by the journal will only be allowed, when the author indicates that the manuscript comes from his Bachelor's Thesis, Professional Title, Master's, Doctorate or Second Professional Specialty, which has been adapted to the format of article indicated in the Guidelines for authors.


Publishing ethics

The following actions are considered as bad, unethical and, therefore, undesirable practices:

Sending the same manuscript to more than one scientific journal.

Not citing the sources consulted during the conduction and development of the research process, and the preparation of the manuscript.

Modifying or manufacturing the data used and / or obtained in an investigation.

The inclusion as authors of people who do not meet the international criteria for authorship.

The exclusion of authors who meet the international criteria for authorship.

All authors are obliged to make retractions or corrections of errors in their published articles, if necessary.

In case the Editorial Committee of the journal finds any misconduct in the aforementioned topics, the received manuscript will be rejected, or a published article will be retracted.

The journal fully adheres to the principles and procedures dictated by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE): www.publicationethics.org

Code of conduct and best practice guidelines for journal editors: https://publicationethics.org/files/Code_of_conduct_for_journal_editors.pdf


Archiving policy

The files and their metadata of Llimpi, every 3 months are stored on an external server.

In addition, the scientific articles of the journal Llimpi are stored at:
