Measures for the Protection of Children and Adolescents in the Huancavelican Context




Protection, minors, sons, daughters, childhood, gender, rights


The different public policies are tools for the subsidiary foundation by the State. It is a constitutional figure that has the quality of now being managed as an important principle of economic policy and society. The objective of this article is to analyze the history, the protection of children through regulations and the implementation of public policies, and we see education, social assistance, legal security and health as fundamental rights. The stage of the child is an important period for man, it is in childhood and infancy where identity and socialization are key to the formation of the child. It is unfortunate to find vulnerable children and possible cases of dependency in their closest social context, in the family. The comparative methodology forces us to resort to the study of public policies of other countries for minors, in the context of the change of the context of children with respect to society. In conclusion within the nation, as well as the local environment, as well as the international context; everything implies an exhaustive study to contribute to the essence of the Convention, within it we see how the eradication of family violence that according to the UN, directly affects the child, as well as poverty, child abuse, child labor, sexual abuse, white slave trade, among other problems that still needs to be overcome in the land of mercury within the administrative levels defenders of the child.



How to Cite

Huanay De la Cruz, K. J. (2023). Measures for the Protection of Children and Adolescents in the Huancavelican Context . Revista De Investigación Científica Erga Omnes, 3(2), 26–35.

