



Science does not claim to be true, nor, therefore, final and incorrigible, certain, as mythology does. What science affirms is: That it is truer than any non-scientific model of the world; science is capable of testing, subjecting it to empirical contrastation, the claim of truth. Moreover, science is capable of discovering its own deficiencies, of constructing partial representations of the structures of the world so that they become more and more adequate.
In this perspective, the spokesman of the scientific, technological and humanistic development of the National University of Huancavelica Siglo XXI, in its academic work, where the results of the scientific work of the members of the university community are being disseminated, in the present edition offers for consideration of the community interested in scientific knowledge, articles related to problems related to business and engineering sciences; such as: "Effects of the Reactiva Program in the Labor Force of MYPES in Poor Regions"; "Economic Empowerment in Women of the district of Paucará and Acobamba of the Region of Huancavelica" and "Phenotypic Correlations and Biometric Measurements in Sheep of the Region of Huancavelica". These articles are of transcendental importance for the members of the scientific community, since they are documents that are the result of research processes, originated by the region's, the country's and the world's throbbing problems.
Thus, in our journal Siglo XXI, the authors and co-authors of scientific articles objectify their ideas through scientific and/or technological propositions that can be perceived and understood by anyone who wishes and is interested; since the conversion of personal knowledge into scientific knowledge is accompanied by the representation of the former with the help of a set of conventional material signals that belong to one or more languages of a particular scientific discipline.
Thanks to the design, implementation, concretization and evaluation of each scientific article, the scientific languages contained in each one of them are created, modified and disseminated as part of the scientific theories and procedures; consequently, their reading, re-reading, analysis and elucidation cannot be carried out independently of the theories and procedures inherent to the scientific disciplines to which the articles proposed in the present edition of Siglo XXI belong.
Finally, we reiterate our invitation to all those interested in disseminating their research results in each of the disciplinary areas of science, technology and humanities to submit their scientific articles for publication in our official mouthpiece of science and technology of the National University of Huancavelica. We are waiting for you.



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How to Cite

Basto Sáez, M. J. (2023). EDITORIAL. Revista De investigación científica Siglo XXI, 3(1), 1. https://doi.org/10.54943/rcsxxi.v3i1.211
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