Indigenous peoples and poverty


  • Boris Espezúa Salmón Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas, Universidad Nacional del Altiplano, Puno, Pérú



Indigenous peoples, material poverty, cultural approach, human dignity, territory and inequality


This work has the purpose of determining the cause of the cultural impoverishment of the indigenous population. Itwas approached from an intercultural approach, from a critical vision, beyond a quantitative look, since this limits the comprehensive evaluative vision of the problem. Human development and the basic aspects of education and health have been considered, as well as understanding from cultural factors. Permanent discrimination has exacerbated his prostration. Only through indigenous resilience will ill-conceived governance be achieved in a world, in a country that has always bypassed them. We came to conclude that poverty for indigenous peoples is more than an economic concept, it is an archetype that with foreign masks covers devastated and tattooed faces of horror.



How to Cite

Espezúa Salmón, B. (2022). Indigenous peoples and poverty. Revista De Investigación Científica Erga Omnes, 2(1), 01–08.