Cognitive development of basic language resources for legal writing in law students




linguistic resources, deictics, vocabulary, spelling


This study describes and analyzes the basic linguistic resources of those entering the professional career of Law and Political Sciences at the National University of Huancavelica. It was proposed, from the perspective of discursive analysis, to determine the degree of deficit of basic linguistic resources with which adolescents enter. The descriptive method was used, and the survey technique was applied, whose instrument was the questionnaire. Three linguistic aspects were considered: the use of deictics, the use of a basic vocabulary and the orthographic command. The result shows us that 4% achieved the scale very well, 29% need improvement, and 67%, it is not evident. It is concluded that the entrants to this professional career have not achieved a cognitive
development on basic linguistic resources for legal writing. Therefore, it is necessary to review this ability, in the curricular documents, and guide them towards the cognitive development of basic linguistic resources to improve legal writing in the future professional of law.



How to Cite

Gavidia Anticona, J. A., Pérez Villanueva, J. J., Flores Apaza, E. E., del Carmen Iparraguirre, D. F., & Basualdo García, P. E. (2021). Cognitive development of basic language resources for legal writing in law students. Revista De Investigación Científica Erga Omnes, 1(2), 15–20.