Factors that intervene in the choice of professional careers in the students of the Faculty of Education - UNH





Professional career, career choice, internal factors, external factors


This investigation is a descriptive substantive investigation; it is in the line of didactics and curriculum. It is aimed at explaining the factors that intervene in the choice of professional careers in Education at the National University of Huancavelica during 2015. The type of research is basic, fundamental whose level is descriptive.
The scientific and descriptive methods were used. The data collection technique was the survey, whose instrument was the questionnaire with 36 questions. The sample consisted of 82 students from the II cycle of the professional careers of Early Childhood Education, Primary Education, Mathematics - Computing and Informatics and Social Sciences and Rural Development. The data processing was carried out with the descriptive statistical statistic and with the data table or tabulation, as well as the frequency tables and figures with the Excel and SPSS sheets. The results were as follows: The main internal and external factors that intervene in the choice of professional careers are: internal factor skills represented by 11.62%; internal interest factor, 11.90%; internal factor of values, by 12.39%; internal factor motivational orientations, in 12.25%; internal factor personality, in 12.04%; external factor parents, 5.23%; external factor the family, in 6.33%; external factor friends, 4.28%; vocational orientation external factor, 5.88%; external factor teachers, by 6.00%; external factor media, communication, by 5.75% and external economic factor, by 6.35%.



How to Cite

Flores Apaza, E. E., & Alcos Flores, K. M. (2021). Factors that intervene in the choice of professional careers in the students of the Faculty of Education - UNH. Revista De Investigación Científica Erga Omnes, 1(2), 01–07. https://doi.org/10.54943/rceo.v1i1.117