Regulation of E-commerce and Digital Transactions in Peru: An Analysis of its Implementation and Effects in the Huancavelica Region




Electronic commerce, digital transactions, economic and social impact, economic development, local businesses, technological adoption, trust in electronic commerce


This work aims to analyze the implementation and effects of the regulation of electronic commerce and digital transactions in Peru, with an emphasis on the Huancavelica region, to identify its legal, economic, and social impacts. The specific objectives include reviewing the legal framework governing them, evaluating their scope and applicability in the region, investigating how they have been implemented and their impact on economic development, examining the adoption of digital transactions and how they influence local businesses, and analyzing their social impact, including changes in access to products and services. This includes evaluating the acceptance and trust level of the population in electronic commerce, identifying the challenges faced by entrepreneurs and consumers in the region regarding electronic commerce and digital transactions, and proposing recommendations to overcome them. The descriptive method was followed, including the analysis of laws and previous studies, as well as interviews and surveys with entrepreneurs, consumers, and officials in the region, collecting qualitative and quantitative data, and studying cases of local businesses that have adopted electronic commerce. The study concludes with an understanding of the regulatory framework of electronic commerce in Peru and its implementation in Huancavelica, identifying the effects of digital transactions, and proposing policies and strategies to improve the electronic commerce environment in our region.



How to Cite

Pacheco Marmanillo, V. F. (2023). Regulation of E-commerce and Digital Transactions in Peru: An Analysis of its Implementation and Effects in the Huancavelica Region. Revista De Investigación Científica Erga Omnes, 3(2), 19–25.