Revistas UNH is the official portal of scientific journals of the Universidad Nacional de Huancavelica, presented in full text, in open access and in digital format. It is a service provided to the UNH community, in order to contribute to the creation, exhibition, updating and support of journals of our house of studies.


  • Quintaesencia

    Quintaesencia is sponsored by the Faculty of Education of the Universidad Nacional de Huancavelica, Peru. It publishes only original and unpublished articles of scientific research, with Education as its objective, with a thematic coverage that covers education issues in all areas of the world. knowledge, having as target audience students, teachers, researchers and society in general
    The articles sent to Quintaesencia must be original and unpublished and the intellectual property of the authors, they must not have been published or presented for evaluation in another journal, and they may be written in Spanish, English or Portuguese.
    Quintaesencia is published biannual, and its publication date is January-June and July-December of each year.
    Quintaesencia is registered in  ISSN, and Crossref.
    All the articles published in the Quintaesencia are under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento 4.0 Internacional license.

    Quintaesencia is registered in the directory of LATINDEX, Latindex 2.0 catalog, ISSN, and Crossref.

    The file of your manuscript should be sent to:
    eISSN: 2076-5363

    Interactivity services with readers: Blog
    Added value services: Videos

  • Revista de investigación científica siglo XXI

    The Revista de Investigación Científica Siglo XXI journal is sponsored by the Vice-Rectorate of Research of the National University of Huancavelica, Peru, it publishes only original and unpublished scientific research articles with research as its objective topic with mainly thematic coverage that covers topics linked to Engineering, and additionally topics related to Health.

    All the articles published in the Revista de Investigación Científica Siglo XXI are under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento 4.0 Internacional license.

    ISSN (Impreso): 2709-2615

    ISSN (En línea ): 2955-8409

  • Llimpi

    Llimpi is a journal sponsored by the Faculty of Education of the Universidad Nacional de Huancavelica, Peru , that publishes results of original research for Education and other related disciplines, besides being original and unpublished. They can be written in Spanish, Portuguese or English.

    All the articles published in the Llimpi journal are under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento 4.0 Internacional license.

    eISSN: 2961-2438

  • Revista de Investigación Científica Erga Omnes

    The Revista de investigación científica Erga omnes is sponsored by the Professional School of Law and Political Sciences of the National University of Huancavelica, Peru. It publishes only original and unpublished articles of scientific research having legal science as its objective theme with a thematic coverage that covers the topics in legal science, politics, sociology and philosophy of law, having as its target audience students, teachers, researchers and society in general.

    The articles sent to the Revista de investigación científica Erg,a must be original and unpublished and the intellectual property of the authors, they must not have been published or presented for evaluation in another journal, and they may be written in Spanish, English or Portuguese.

    All the articles published in the the Revista de investigación científica Erga omnes are under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento 4.0 Internacional license.

    ISSN (Impreso): 2810-8329

    ISSN (Línea): 2961-256X (En línea)

  • Revista Científica en Salud

    The articles sent to the Revista Científica en Salud  must deal with topics related from Medicine in the biomedical and Public Health area, besides being original and unpublished. They can be written in Spanish, Portuguese or English.

    All the articles published in the revista Revista Científica en Salud  journal are under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento 4.0 Internacional license.


  • Revista Científica Ciencias Ingenieriles

    The Revista Científica Ciencias Ingenieriles is sponsored by the Professional School of Civil Engineering – Lircay of the National University of Huancavelica, Peru. It publishes only original and unpublished articles of scientific research, with Engineering as its objective, with a thematic coverage that covers issues of Applied Mathematics, Applied Physics, Applied Chemistry, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Architecture, Civil Engineering, Animal Engineering, Systems Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Agroindustrial Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Mining Engineering, Electronic Engineering and other related engineering

    The articles sent to Revista Científica Ciencias Ingenieriles must be original and unpublished and the intellectual property of the authors, they must not have been published or presented for evaluation in another journal, and they may be written in Spanish, English or Portuguese.

    All the articles published in the Revista Científica Ciencias Ingenieriles are under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento 4.0 Internacional license.

    ISSN: 2961-2357 (En línea)

    ISSN: 2961-2446 (Impreso)

  • Revista Peruana de Ciencia Animal

    The Revista Peruana de Ciencia Animal is sponsored by the Genetic Improvement Laboratory, Professional School of Zootechnics, National University of Huancavelica, Peru. It publishes only original and unpublished articles of scientific research, with animal science as its objective, with a thematic coverage that covers issues of food, health, reproduction and genetic improvement.

    The articles sent to Revista Peruana de Ciencia Animal must be original and unpublished and the intellectual property of the authors, they must not have been published or presented for evaluation in another journal, and they may be written in Spanish, English or Portuguese.

    All the articles published in the Revista Peruana de Ciencia Animal are under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento 4.0 Internacional license.


  • Revista Oeconomicus UNH

    The Journal Oeconomicus UNH is sponsored by the Professional School of Economics of the Faculty of Business Sciences of the National University of Huancavelica (UNH), Peru, and publishes only original and unpublished scientific research articles on the following topics: Public Economics, Poverty, Urban Economics, Rural Economics, International Economics, Economics and Finance, Econometrics, Administrative Sciences, Accounting Sciences, Business Sciences, Didactics of Economics Teaching and Social Sciences, with a target audience of professors, students and national and international researchers.

    All the articles published in the Revista Oeconomicus UNH journal are under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento 4.0 Internacional license.

    eISSN: 2955-859X