Revista Científica Ciencias Ingenieriles <p><strong>The Revista Científica Ciencias Ingenieriles </strong>is sponsored by the Professional School of Civil Engineering – Lircay of the National University of Huancavelica, Peru. It publishes only original and unpublished articles of scientific research, with Engineering as its objective, with a thematic coverage that covers issues of Applied Mathematics, Applied Physics, Applied Chemistry, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Architecture, Civil Engineering, Animal Engineering, Systems Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Agroindustrial Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Mining Engineering, Electronic Engineering and other related engineering</p> <p>The articles sent to <strong>Revista Científica Ciencias Ingenieriles </strong>must be original and unpublished and the intellectual property of the authors, they must not have been published or presented for evaluation in another journal, and they may be written in Spanish, English or Portuguese.</p> <p>All the articles published in the <strong>Revista Científica Ciencias Ingenieriles </strong>are under a <a href="">Creative Commons Reconocimiento 4.0 Internacional</a> license.</p> <p>ISSN: <a href=""><strong>2961-2357</strong></a> (En línea)</p> <p>ISSN: <a href=""><strong>2961-2446</strong></a> (Impreso)</p> es-ES (Mtro. Franklin Surichaqui Gutierrez) (Josué APARCO JIRON) Mon, 22 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 Information Security in the Cloud: A Systematic Review <p>In a context of increasing adoption of cloud technologies, information security has become a critical issue. This article focuses on identifying, analyzing and addressing information security challenges in cloud environments, while highlighting recommended best practices to ensure data integrity, confidentiality and availability. Using the PRISMA methodology, we seek to answer What are the challenges and best practices of information security in cloud environments? From this base, key challenges are explored, including the secure storage of confidential information and the protection of data privacy. The importance of complying with data protection regulations and laws, such as GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), is highlighted, especially in a cloud environment operating in different geographic locations. To address these challenges, essential best practices are presented. Encryption is highlighted as a key measure to ensure data confidentiality, while role-based access control is mentioned as a key strategy for managing who has access to information in the cloud. In addition, the need for ongoing risk assessments and a robust incident response plan to effectively protect information in increasingly vulnerable digital environments is emphasized.</p> Elvis Ortiz, Cristhian Villacorta, Alberto Mendoza Copyright (c) 2024 Elvis Ortiz, Cristhian Villacorta, Alberto Mendoza Mon, 22 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Information Security Mechanisms in an Organisation: A Systematic Review <p>Information is necessary in companies for the development of organisational strategies with solid foundations; any security breach can compromise the organisation's sensitive data and seriously damage it. Based on this, a systematic review has been carried out with the aim of pointing out those mechanisms developed for the protection of organisational information security that are very useful in a context in which digital tools are increasingly present when storing sensitive information, as well as classifying these mechanisms according to the information asset to be protected. The PRISMA methodology was used for the documentary search and research published in databases such as Scopus, Dialnet and SciELO was taken into account. Exclusion and inclusion criteria were applied, which reduced the results to 19 articles that will be used as an analysis tool. When interpreting the results, it was observed that there are mechanisms that, when applied, not only strengthen one aspect of the organisation, but also relate to other mechanisms. Finally, these results were identified within 3 layers corresponding to software, hardware and human capital of the organisations.</p> Julio Marreros, Diego Acosta, Alberto Mendoza Copyright (c) 2024 Julio Marreros, Julio Marreros, Alberto Mendoza Mon, 22 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 EDITORIAL <p>Es un honor presentar a ustedes la edición Número 6 de la Revista Científica Ciencias Ingenieriles. Esta revista viene siendo publicada de manera continua desde el año 2021 e integra diversas publicaciones.</p> <p>Desde el año 2021 la Revista Ciencias Ingenieriles edita dos números al año, uno en julio y otro en enero. Ello es muestra del continuo crecimiento de la revista, de su aceptación por parte de los lectores, y la valoración que recibe de parte de los autores. Queremos como es costumbre agradecer a nuestro equipo editorial, a los revisores actuantes en este número y en los anteriores y valorar también el esfuerzo de los autores que presentan en este número los hallazgos de sus productos de investigación.</p> <p>Varios factores juegan un papel en mantener y mejorar la calidad científica. No obstante, la gestión editorial de la Revista se ha propuesto de manera prioritaria, incrementar la participación de expertos internacionales tanto en el comité científico como en el conjunto de pares evaluadores. Este esfuerzo también depende de la calidad de los artículos, por ello, se busca que las contribuciones que se reciben, se evalúan y se publican atiendan los criterios de la Revista y las normas internacionales para este tipo de publicaciones.</p> <p>Desde este escenario, despedimos esta edición satisfechos del trabajo realizado; todo en aras de seguir enriqueciendo y actualizando los saberes de la ingeniería, igualmente, los invitamos a seguir participando en los próximos números para dar a conocer sus hallazgos de investigación y consolidar nuestra comunidad científica.</p> Franklin Surichaqui Gutiérrez Copyright (c) 2024 Franklin Surichaqui Gutiérrez Mon, 22 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Comparative measurement of the viscosity and workability of the mortar using the funnel method – Cajamarca 2023 <p>In this study the funnel method is used to measure the viscosity of the mortar and the results obtained are discussed. It turned out that the viscosity of the mortar is related to the resistance and durability of the material; Viscosity is a very important property in the field of construction since it influences its workability and resistance, although there are not many methods to measure this non-Newtonian fluid. However, it is important to keep in mind the limitations of the funnel method and to consider other factors such as the water-cement ratio and the quality of the aggregates. Viscosity was measured using a funnel in Cajamarca, mortar with a ratio of 1/3 and 1/4 was used, to then determine who has the highest viscosity and workability, for which we have taken the Chilean standard 2257 as a reference. /4. The results help to understand the effect of viscosity in construction materials and can help in the investigation of new materials and technologies to improve the quality and durability of structures. The investigation carried out is of an experimental type and the results obtained indicate that in the 1/4 ratio it has a greater consistency and viscosity than the 1/3 ratio, this influences the workability taking into account that the greater the amount of water you will get less resistance.</p> Danny Vasquez Copyright (c) 2024 Danny Vasquez Mon, 22 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Concrete block with incorporation of steel fiber from recycled tires in Juliaca, Puno <p>The objective of this research work carried out in the department of Puno is to analyze the concrete block with the incorporation of recycled tire steel, which is why it was analyzed in proportions of 0%, 3%, 5% and 7%. Rural homes in the department of Puno, according to the INEI, are mostly made with concrete and adobe blocks; on the other hand, disused tires contaminate the environment due to the inappropriate use they were given for many years. That is why this research aims to improve the mechanical resistance of the blocks without generating an additional cost with the use of steel fibers from recycled tires. Finally, we conclude that the incorporation of tire steel fiber positively influences the mechanical properties of the blocks, managing to increase their resistance by 14.90% compared to the standard sample and in a proportion of 7% incorporation of tire steel fiber. Likewise, the use of steel fiber in tires reduces the damage it causes to the environment.</p> Jhon Parizaca, Brandon Parizaca, Sleyther De La Cruz Copyright (c) 2024 Jhon Parizaca, Brandon Parizaca, Sleyther De La Cruz Mon, 22 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Assimilation and start-up of an industrial sulfuric acid concentrate plant <p>The assimilation and start-up of a new plant for the manufacture of sulfuric acid is a useful case study for the conduct of the assimilation of new technologies, this is a risky activity. The objective of the present research is to establish a procedure for the assimilation and adaptation of the necessary technology for the manufacture of sulfuric acid that makes possible the safe and efficient conduct of the technical start-up of a new industrial capacity and its normal operation. The conceptual bases and a heuristic procedure were elaborated for the technological assimilation in concentrated sulfuric acid production facilities based on the double contact production method from elemental solid sulfur. For this purpose, the logical integration of the process systems was taken into account, as well as those established in the literature for the development, evaluation and assimilation of new technologies. The methodological bases for the adoption of technologies and a heuristic procedure were developed to facilitate the management of this diligence in a logical sequence capable of efficiently conducting the technological assimilation and start-up complying with the time, safety and economic commitments to be outlined. The foundations for the adaptation of new industrial capabilities must consider business, market, technological and environmental assessment aspects.</p> Gabriel Iglesias, Yosviel Reyes, Yelianys Manso Copyright (c) 2024 Gabriel Iglesias, Yosviel Reyes, Yelianys Manso Mon, 22 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Design of a batch tray dryer for the valorization of residual eggshells <p>The industrial process for the production of mayonnaise is associated with the disposal of eggshells as solid waste. The sauces and dressings factory "Los atrevidos" is interested in valorizing this waste by incorporating a technological system capable of treating its waste and minimizing its environmental impact through process intensification and cleaner production. The present research aims to design a technological-productive system for the treatment of residual eggshells to obtain animal feed supplement rich in calcium carbonate, with emphasis on the design of a batch tray dryer. Material balances were developed to quantify the waste load to be treated, the necessary inputs and the projection of the technological production scheme. The production plant was designed to handle up to 500 kg/day of eggshells; the main production stages are: treatment of raw materials, drying, milling and sieving, with the batch drying stage receiving the most attention. The batch dryer designed had 7 trays of 1.5 m2 area and 1.75 m high. The hot air flow at 90 °C is 1,578 kg/h and the work regime is by 4-hour batches (up to 6 batches per day). The proposed production scheme does not generate waste to be treated, and responds to an environmental problem in the mayonnaise and dressing industry, making it a more environmentally friendly industrial process.</p> Yosviel Reyes, Gabriel Iglesias, Isabel Cabrera Copyright (c) 2024 Yosviel Reyes, Gabriel Iglesias, Isabel Cabrera Mon, 22 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Analysis of a porch using the Systematized Rigidity method <p>This article consists of the description and analysis of a structure manually that presents elements such as "biarticulated bar, rigid solid and a beam", which by theory each presents different properties and behaviors, for which the Systematized Rigidity Method was applied. , which is a derivative of the direct stiffness method, to later compare the results with the help of the Ftool software, following the Structural Analysis II classes of the UNISCJSA, the global Q-D system and the local q-d with the degrees of freedom were determined In the entire general structure and in each bar, the transformation matrix [A] and the stiffness matrices of each bar [Ki] were obtained, with this the stiffness matrix of the entire structure [K] was constructed, the load vector [R] was found by verifying if there are loads that act on the bars and not on the nodes, the load vector [r] was analyzed in the q-d system, the deformation vector of the degrees of freedom [D] was determined in the global Q-D and local q-d system, finally the internal forces of each bar were calculated, and with the results the diagrams of shear force, normal force and bending moment were created, the Ftool program was used to verify the results and verify the diagrams, which favored the conclusions.</p> Marcos Rupay, Carlos Gonzales, Jennifer Felix, Juan Casimiro Copyright (c) 2024 Marcos Rupay, Carlos Gonzales, Jennifer Felix, Juan Casimiro Mon, 22 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Systematized rigidity method in rigid arm and shear deformation <p>The main objective of the research and writing of this article was to be able to apply the systematized rigidity method using rigid bar in frames as a manual calculation. For this, special consideration was taken of the syllabi that were carried out in the subject of Structural Analysis 1 and 2 of the UNISCJSA such as Q-D Systems, Primary System, Complementary System, Deformation Vectors and finally Internal Forces. We have been able to leave as an argument that in order to establish the degrees of freedom in the Q-D System, and their respective Internal Forces for all the bars that make up the reinforcement that we have selected for development. For its development we have used the systematized rigidity method and the procedures seen in the Structural Analysis II course at UNISCJSA, the following being typical of the system: Determination of the Q-D System [Q], Determination of the q-d system (Local) Determination of the Stiffness coefficients [K], Transformation Matrix, Stiffness Matrix of each bar, System Stiffness Matrix, Deformation Vector [D] and force of each q-d and Lateral Stiffness. The rigid arm frame structure was developed considering shear deformation in the plate and in the same way in all the structural elements, both in plate, column and beam. Regarding the developed structure, it has the following characteristics: It is a porch with dimensions in the beam, column and walls. EA = ∞ is considered throughout the structure.</p> Marcos Rupay, Yesenia Baltazar, Asly Flores, Anthony Reyes Copyright (c) 2024 Marcos Rupay, Yesenia Baltazar, Asly Flores, Anthony Reyes Mon, 22 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000