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Effect of human urine enriched with Efficient Microorganisms
on the yield of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Peruanita variety
Effect of human urine enriched with Efficient Microorganisms on the yield of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)
Peruanita variety
Rokmerd Carbajal Mayhua1 Julián L. Mantari Mallqui2 Agustín Perales Angoma3 Marino Bautista
Vargas4 Nora Rodríguez Cangalaya5
Recibido: 02 de Junio del 2023 / Aceptado: 12 de Julio del 2023
This research was conducted in the community of Tranca Pampa- District of San Marcos de Rocchac, province
of Tayacaja Department of Huancavelica, Peru; in the agricultural campaign 2019- 2020, with the objective of
evaluating the effect of human urine enriched with efficient microorganisms on the yield of potato, peruanita
variety. A randomized complete block experimental design with three replications was used to test the effect
of 5 liters of urine plus EM, 10 liters of urine plus EM, 15 liters of urine plus EM and a witness without
application. Plant height at 120 and 210 days, number, and weight of tubers per plant at harvest were evaluated.
Analysis of variance and Duncan's multiple comparison tests of means at =0.05 were performed. The best
yields were obtained with the application of 15 liters of urine plus EM (75.53 t ha-1) and 10 liters of human
urine plus EM (73.48 t ha-1), significantly exceeding the other treatments; it is concluded that the application
of liquid organic fertilizer based on human urine plus effective microorganisms contributes to a significant and
favorable increase in the yield of the potato crop, Peruvian variety.
Palabras claves: Liquid organic fertilizer, Native potato, Beneficial biota.
Esta investigación se realizó en la comunidad de Tranca Pampa- Distrito de San Marcos de Rocchac, provincia
de Tayacaja Departamento de Huancavelica, Perú; en la campaña agrícola 2019 2020, con el objetivo de
evaluar el efecto de la orina humana enriquecida con microorganismos eficientes sobre el rendimiento de la
papa, variedad peruanita. Se utilizó el diseño experimental de bloques completos al azar con tres repeticiones,
para probar el efecto de 5 litros de orina más EM, 10 litros de orina más EM, 15 litros de orina más EM y un
control sin aplicación. Se evaluó la altura de la planta a los 120 y 210 días, el mero y el peso de los tubérculos
por planta en la cosecha. Se realizaron, el análisis de la varianza y las pruebas de comparación múltiple de las
medias de Duncan a =0.05. Los mejores rendimientos se obtuvieron con la aplicación de 15 litros de orina
más EM (75.53 t ha-1) y 10 litros de orina humana más EM (73.48 t ha-1) superando significativamente a los
otros tratamientos; se concluye que la aplicación del abono orgánico líquido a base de orina humana más
microorganismos eficaces contribuye a un aumento significativo y favorable en el rendimiento del cultivo de
papa, variedad peruanita.
Keywords: Abono orgánico, liquido, papa nativa, biota benéfica.
The district of Tayacaja - Huancavelica is a
predominantly Peruvian potato-producing area. Its
profitability is very low and sometimes does not
even cover the cost of production due to the high
cost of chemical fertilizers; therefore, it is
necessary to look for new organic fertilization
alternatives to generate better economic income.
Farmers have seen the easiest way to counteract the
low fertility of their soils through the application
of synthetic fertilizers, but this apparently
Revista de Investigación Científica Siglo XXI (2023)
Vol. 3, Núm. 2, pp. 42 - 48
Rokmerd Carbajal Mayhua
1 Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Universidad
Nacional de Huancavelica
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innovative practice is not sustainable because it
generates dependence on synthetic fertilizers and
in the future will lead to soil degradation, water
pollution, air, and crops.
It is true that inorganic fertilization plays a
fundamental role in the plant nutrition of crops, but
its inadequate use causes alterations in soils, water,
environment, and human health. An alternative is
the use of organic residues, these residues, besides
optimizing the physicochemical and biological
properties of the soil, provide nutrients to crops,
allowing in some cases, partially or totally cover
the demand of some nutrients in the soil.
Currently, several countries use urine as an organic
source in crop production. However, it is known
that Inca cultures traditionally used human urine as
a source of nutrients for plants. These hereditary
practices motivate researchers to conduct studies
on the importance of urine in crop production,
which is gaining market share due to its high
concentrations of N, P, K, S, Ca2+, Mg2+, Na, Cl
and other micronutrients, thus, it is possible to
reduce production costs in order to contribute to
mitigate poverty and malnutrition. Although
human urine has been used for centuries as a
fertilizer, today it continues to flow through rivers
carrying chemical substances that generate
eutrophication and cause the death of organisms
and irreversible damage to the ecosystem. The
application of fermented human urine is carried out
in three phases; the first in the prepared soil before
planting, the second after plant emergence and the
third in the formation of the flower bud or
beginning of flowering, via the roots. The results
show, greater fermentation of urine on soil fertility
in the potato crop showing differences in the
results due to the concentration of nitrogen that has
fermented human urine (Condori et al., 2018).
According to Richert et al. (2011), the use of urine
as a fertilizer can contribute to the alleviation of
poverty and malnutrition and improve the trade
balance of chemical fertilizer importing countries
if adopted on a large scale. Food security can be
expanded through the application of a fertilizer that
is freely available to all, regardless of logistics and
economic resources. Safe handling of urine,
including its sanitization before use, is a key
component of sustainable sanitation as well as
sustainable agricultural production.
Urine is a well-balanced, fast-acting liquid
fertilizer rich in nitrogen; the nutrient content of
urine depends on the diet; if the nitrogen content of
urine is unknown, a concentration of 3 to 7 grams
of N per liter of urine can be expected. P in urine is
practically (95 to 100%) inorganic and is excreted
as phosphate ions (Lentner et al., 1981).
These ions are directly available to plants and so it
is not surprising to find that their availability to
plants is as good as that of the chemical phosphate
Urine contains significant amounts of the major
macronutrients required by plants; nitrogen (N),
phosphorus (P) and potassium (K). Nitrogen is
produced in high concentrations (mostly as urea),
while phosphate and potassium are found in
comparatively lower concentrations, in forms that
are assimilable by plants.
Urine was tested as a fertilizer for barley in Sweden
during the years 1997 to 1999 (Johansson et al.,
2001; Rodhe et al., 2004). The results showed that
the effect of urine N corresponds to about 90% of
the same amount of ammonium nitrate mineral
fertilizer, which is estimated to correspond to
100% of the same amount of ammonium fertilizer,
after considering the loss of N in the form of
ammonia from urine.
Given the growing interest in reducing the use of
agrochemicals and the alternative of organic
farming, efficient microorganisms (EM) constitute
an alternative to the use of fertilizers and
agrochemicals. Therefore, the task of conserving,
optimizing, and restoring soils, which is one of the
main challenges today. The use of efficient
microorganisms in the agricultural production
process has generated excellent results in our
agroecosystem, providing nutrients through the
production of bioactive compounds that stimulate
crop growth, increase moisture retention through
microbial action that degrades organic substrates,
which decreases the pore space of coarse particles
(sand) generating greater water availability,
counteracting water stress in plants. This increases
production in a natural way, improving soil quality,
vigorous plant development, increasing yields and
preserving healthy harvests for the consumer,
leaving aside chemical fertilizers or artificial
fertilizers. Microorganisms that help regenerate
soils are called biofertilizers, since they increase
the availability of nutritional elements for plants,
being also advantageous for the biodiversity
present in soils, controlling pollution levels and
climate change mitigation (Lira, 2017).
Chavarría et al. (2005) mentioned that one of the
key factors for the use of any product based on
microorganisms are the climatic conditions, their
viability and concentration; many can affect the
appreciation of the product at the time of its use,
and also mentions that the antagonistic strains to be
used should also be taken into account, since
greater results are obtained if native strains are
used, because they are better adapted to the
environmental conditions of the place.
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Farmers in Tayacaja practice rainfed and irrigated
agriculture, producing two crops annually. On the
other hand, farmers are not accustomed to using
organic fertilizers from their areas, so the objective
of this research was to evaluate the effect of human
urine enriched with efficient microorganisms on
the yield of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.),
Peruvian variety.
Place of execution: The present research work was
carried out in the Pampas Tayacaja province,
district of San Marcos de Rocchac, place Tranca
Pampa; altitude 3,400 masl, latitude south 13° 52'
22.92.92'', longitude west 73° 34' 47.59'', average
temperature 10 °C, relative humidity 60%, average
annual rainfall 800 mm. During the 2019-2020
cropping season.
Type of research: The present research work
corresponds to the experimental type
Level of research: it belongs to the basic
explanatory research lever
Population: The population of the present
research was conformed by all the quantity of
plants of the potato crop of the experimental field.
Sample: The sample consisted of 5 plants per
experimental unit.
Sampling: The sampling used was simple -
Methodology:The experimental and deductive
inductive method was used to evaluate the effect of
liquid organic fertilizer and efficient
microorganisms on the potato crop, peruanita
variety; it was conducted with the Randomized
Complete Block Design (RCBD), evaluating four
treatments with three replications randomly
distributed in each block, making a total of 12
experimental units having five potato furrows per
experimental unit, 15 furrows per block and
making a total of 60 furrows in all experimental
units. The effect of 5 liters of urine plus EM (5
OH+EM), 10 liters of urine plus EM (10 OH+EM),
15 liters of urine plus EM (15 OH+EM) and a
witness without application (witness) were tested.
Data collection: Plant height was evaluated at 120
and 210 days after sowing (dds), measured from
the neck of the plant to the terminal apex; the
number and weight of tubers per plant was
evaluated at harvest in 5 randomly selected plant
samples per experimental unit, and the yield per
hectare was estimated taking into account the
average weight of tubers per plant and the number
of plants per hectare.
Human urine was collected in a 200 liter plastic
container, fermented for 15 days, kept in a
hermetically sealed dark container, with capacity
according to the treatments, and applied at two
times, via foliar application at 90 and 120 days
after planting.
The EM was bought from the distributor in a 1 liter
bottle. This was activated with cabuya chancaca
and puquial water for 15 days until a pleasant odor
was obtained; 25 liters of active ME and 75 liters
of urine were used. Then it was kept in the
container for 15 days, the dosage was made at the
time of application to the plants.
The potato seed was acquired from a producer,
then it was selected making sure that it corresponds
to the Peruvian variety, and for its size, the
acquired seeds were sprouted, with the appropriate
sprout size of 1 cm, of uniform size and then
proceeded to planting.
The data obtained were processed with the
statistical software Infostat and the analysis of
variance (ANVA) of the variables and the
comparison of means with Duncan's multiple
comparisons test at = 0.05 were carried out.
Table 1. Duncan's test for height of plant at 120 days.
45 | P á g i n a
Height of plant
The results of the Duncan's multiple comparison
test of means (Table 1) at a margin of error of =
0.05 for plant height at 120 days and 210 dap, this
test confirms that there is a significant difference
between the means of potato plant height; the
application of 15 and 10 liters of human urine plus
EM have similar effects and significantly exceed
the other treatments, likewise, the lower dose of
human urine plus EM increases the height of potato
plant compared to the control. These results
indicate that the use of human urine plus ME favors
the growth of the potato plant, peruanita variety.
The three treatments with human urine plus EM
outperform the witness and as the dose of human
urine increases the height also increases (Mamani
et al., 2015); similar effects have been found in
other crops such as barley, broad bean, lettuce, etc.
In this regard, essayists mention that this difference
is due to the high concentration of nitrogen
contained in human urine, which when used as an
organic fertilizer influences the development of the
plant (Campos et al., 2013), additionally Dossier
(2006), states that, efficient microorganisms
consent an impartial contribution of microelements
for the needs of the totality of crops that helps to
prevent deficiencies of these.
Nitrogen is in the form of ammonium and
phosphorus is in a form that can be assimilated by
the plant. In addition, 20% of the phosphorus P2O5
is in the form of polyphosphate, which provides
nutrition during the root development stage. In
addition, polyphosphate has a chelating effect on
the micronutrients iron, zinc, manganese and
copper, which effectively influenced plant growth
and development.
Number of tubers per plant
Table 2 shows the result of the Duncan's multiple
comparison of means test at a margin of error =
0.05 for the number of tubers at the time of harvest,
this test confirms that there is significant difference
in the number of tubers produced per plant.
In potato breeding studies it is common to apply
the technique of quantum selection, which is
referred to count the tubers of first, second, third,
among other categories, in order to achieve a
moderate intensity in the selection of
characteristics that involve visual difference (Tai
and Young, 1984). With this technique, the
parameters of number of tubers per plant were
evaluated in this study. The number of tubers per
plant for each treatment ranged from 18
tubers/plant to 38 tubers/plant, with an overall
average of 28 tubers per plant. Duncan's 5%
significance test for treatments, in the evaluation of
the number of tubers per plant, indicates that the
highest number of tubers per plant was
Table 2. Duncan's test for the number of tubers per plant.
obtained in the treatments that received the highest
application of liquid organic fertilizers 15, 10, 5
liters of human urine plus EM and finally the
witness. These results are similar to work done by
Saquinga (2012) which indicates that the highest
number of tubers was obtained in the treatments
that received higher application of Biol 60% of K
(P2), with total average of 7.91 tubers, when placed
in the first range, whereas, the treatments that
received application of Biol 50% of P (P1), showed
lower number of tubers per plant, with total
average of 7.16 tubers, when placed in the second
range. Therefore, according to the statistical
evaluation of the number of tubers per plant, it is
feasible to affirm that the addition of liquid organic
fertilizers at higher doses increased the production
of a greater number of tubers per plant.
Tuber weight per plant
The results of the Duncan's multiple comparison
test of means
46 | P á g i n a
Table 3. Duncan's test for tuber weight per plant.
Therefore, the application of urine enriched with
efficient microorganisms has a similar effect to
synthetic products, the difference being that it is
necessary to supplement them with grams of
nutrient per liter at the request of each crop.
Likewise, the results confirm what was reported by
Saquinga, (2012) that the liquid organic fertilizer,
in addition to increasing plant growth, improves
crop production and productivity, increases
resistance to pests and diseases, improves the
activity of beneficial soil microorganisms and
causes a better development of roots, leaves and
fruits, it also increases the passivity to adverse
climatic conditions such as frost, hailstorms and
other limiting factors, it is ecological, compatible
with the environment and does not pollute the soil,
it is economical, it accelerates flowering, the plant
adapts better in the field in almacigo conditions, it
conserves better the NPK and Ca, complete to the
process of anaerobic decomposition which takes
full advantage of the nutrients; The N it contains is
in ammoniacal form, which is easily assimilated
and does not acidify the soil or affect its
microbiology, and has the additional advantage of
not being expensive (Manual de Agricultura
Alternativa, 2004). Therefore, it is possible to
affirm that the application of liquid organic
fertilizer based on human urine plus EM has a
favorable influence on the yield of the potato crop,
Peruvian variety.
Human urine plus ME favors plant growth and
increases the number and weight of potato tubers
of the peruanita variety.
The application of liquid organic fertilizer based on
human urine plus EM, positively influences the
yield of potato crop of the peruanita variety.
The liquid organic sources of fermented human
urine and efficient microorganisms used in
combination become an alternative for the organic
production of native potato variety peruanita and
future research in other crops.
47 | P á g i n a
compatible with the environment and does not
pollute the soil, it is economical, it accelerates
flowering, the plant adapts better in the field in
almacigo conditions, it conserves better the NPK
and Ca, complete to the process of anaerobic
decomposition which takes full advantage of the
nutrients; The N it contains is in ammoniacal form,
which is easily assimilated and does not acidify the
soil or affect its microbiology, and has the
additional advantage of not being expensive
(Manual de Agricultura Alternativa, 2004).
Therefore, it is possible to affirm that the
application of liquid organic fertilizer based on
human urine plus EM has a favorable influence on
the yield of the potato crop, Peruvian variety
We thank the inhabitants of the area of San Marcos
de Rocchac for their support; the Faculty of
Agronomic Sciences, National University of
Huancavelica, Campus "Ciudad Universitaria" for
supporting the experiment with instruments and
study spaces.
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